This is how I show my love
I made it in my mind because
I blame it on my A.D.D. baby
This is how an angel cries
I blame it on my own sick pride
Blame it on my A.D.D. baby
Maybe I should cry for help
Maybe I should kill myself
Blame it on my A.D.D. baby
Maybe I'm a different breed
Maybe I'm not listening
So blame it on my A.D.D. baby
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Thursday, December 1, 2011
So school is finally over for me and its quite an emotional time so I just wanted to say...

Seriously though, i'm so stoked about finishing up here and i've just gotta go in one last time today to get my leaver's cert.
Then its just applying to Otago Uni (I'm already in my dorm) and i'm fuckin sorted.
Goodbye JPII, it was...... slow.

Seriously though, i'm so stoked about finishing up here and i've just gotta go in one last time today to get my leaver's cert.
Then its just applying to Otago Uni (I'm already in my dorm) and i'm fuckin sorted.
Goodbye JPII, it was...... slow.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Puffin' like a Zion Train
Don't gain the world and lose your soul,
wisdom is better than silver or gold
wisdom is better than silver or gold
Monday, September 12, 2011
Snapshot: Listening, Watching, Reading, Wearing, Wanting
Listening: To 'who's got the herb' by Sublime. Its got a real mellow beat and the classic wavering 311 sound.
Watching: All the new episodes of South Park on Comedy Central. So F**king funny man.. I just saw the one where all the guys in town go metro because of 'Queer eye for the Straight guy'. "Crab people!"
Reading: 'The Wasps' by Aristophanies. Its for my classics exam, but some bits are pretty funny ay.
Wearing: My pajama pants, our highschool leavers jersy and a woolen hat. So warm.
Wanting: Pizza... and a drink. And some chips. And some skittles.... And some more bud. :'(
Watching: All the new episodes of South Park on Comedy Central. So F**king funny man.. I just saw the one where all the guys in town go metro because of 'Queer eye for the Straight guy'. "Crab people!"
Reading: 'The Wasps' by Aristophanies. Its for my classics exam, but some bits are pretty funny ay.
Wearing: My pajama pants, our highschool leavers jersy and a woolen hat. So warm.
Wanting: Pizza... and a drink. And some chips. And some skittles.... And some more bud. :'(
Jehst & Asaviour - Weed
Saturday, August 13, 2011

So I just joined up with this social network... It just seemed a little edgier than facebook.
You should check it out. Or not, whatever.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Not Feelin' Too Hot...
First up, I have one of those motherfucking, eye-gouging, shit sucking, motherfuckin, asshole winter colds. Its driving me crazy over here!
Second, I stayed up with the guys last night drinking bourbon, smoking synthetic drugs/salvia and watching this. So i'm now tired as fuck and feeling doubly shit.
On the plus side, Reuben was running drunk through the dark last night and tripped over about three chairs at a fast pace on his way to the toilet. Then upon arriving there he ran full bor into the fucking door which opens outwards and split his head open in a 1.5 inch gash above his eye. It was brutal and he bled EVERYWHERE. I was actually suprised it stopped bleeding without stiches in it, but there you go.
Much Love,
Second, I stayed up with the guys last night drinking bourbon, smoking synthetic drugs/salvia and watching this. So i'm now tired as fuck and feeling doubly shit.
On the plus side, Reuben was running drunk through the dark last night and tripped over about three chairs at a fast pace on his way to the toilet. Then upon arriving there he ran full bor into the fucking door which opens outwards and split his head open in a 1.5 inch gash above his eye. It was brutal and he bled EVERYWHERE. I was actually suprised it stopped bleeding without stiches in it, but there you go.
Much Love,

Saturday, July 30, 2011
RIP Amy Winehouse
Much love to a much celebrated and genuinely talented but generally misunderstood artist. 27 forever, your music will live on.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

We sail through endless skies
stars shine like eyes
the black night sighs
The moon in silver trees
falls down in tears
light of the night
The earth, a purple blaze
of sapphire haze
in orbit always
While down below the trees
bathed in cool breeze
silver starlight breaks down the night
And so we pass on by the crimson eye
of great god Mars
as we travel the universe
stars shine like eyes
the black night sighs
The moon in silver trees
falls down in tears
light of the night
The earth, a purple blaze
of sapphire haze
in orbit always
While down below the trees
bathed in cool breeze
silver starlight breaks down the night
And so we pass on by the crimson eye
of great god Mars
as we travel the universe
Rebel Hop

Bob Marley ranks among both the most popular and the most misunderstood figures in modern culture ... That the machine has utterly emasculated Marley is beyond doubt. Gone from the public record is the ghetto kid who dreamed of Che Guevara and the Black Panthers, and pinned their posters up in the Wailers Soul Shack record store; who believed in freedom; and the fighting which it necessitated, and dressed the part on an early album sleeve; whose heroes were James Brown and Muhammed Ali; whose God was Ras Tafari and whose sacrament was marijuana. Instead, the Bob Marley who surveys his kingdom today is smiling benevolence, a shining sun, a waving palm tree, and a string of hits which tumble out of polite radio like candy from a gumball machine. Of course it has assured his immortality. But it has also demeaned him beyond recognition. Bob Marley was worth far more.
- Dave Thompson
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Fuckin' Stoners
Dude i've been getting high every day lately...
Also i made the mistake of going to the supermarket blazed and ended up spending $50 on snack-foods, energy drinks and fucking ramen noodles!
On the plus side though i've become much more creative and insightful recently.
Coincidence? I think not!
Also I have the SICKEST account on Hemp Tycoon going right now.
- Sam
Also i made the mistake of going to the supermarket blazed and ended up spending $50 on snack-foods, energy drinks and fucking ramen noodles!
On the plus side though i've become much more creative and insightful recently.
Coincidence? I think not!
Also I have the SICKEST account on Hemp Tycoon going right now.
- Sam
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Take a Ride on Heavy Metal
Sure, you get to fight in the Brestuary, and swim in the fountains of varnoff with the itty titty fairies of Mammary Mountain. And then you fight the boob goblin in the Gazongas cave. And the girl may thank you for it.
But she isn't real...
But she isn't real...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
This is a visual representation of our society...

The double down has arrived in NZ. Praise the gods! I feel its really to our society's credit that after everything we've acheived. Democracy, stable economies even a man on the fucking moon that this is what is dominating the news today... Our local paper just had a picture of this on the front page today. My friends all ate them on two seperate occasions today. And then I get home and mum is excited to go to KFC for tea. This bastard meat-wich could be a perfect metaphor for our sick fucking society.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
I'm Seriously Angry...

I seriously am disgusted by Miley Cyrus' (failed) attempt to cover Nirvana's 'Smells like teen spirit'. Not only does it fucking suck to the point that it is a disgrace she also tried to claim that Nirvana and the likes inspired her to become a musician. As if Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains and Hole were about anything other than screaming a big FUCK YOU to the same bullshit mainstream piss that this girl is pumping out now! I personally think she's trying to propagate some kind of 'alt-chick' persona as this isn't the first time she's done something she had no fucking clue about. Anyone remember her pulling the horns in photos a while back?
I'm honestly not exaggerating when I say that I just wish she would die.....
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
An Appalling State of Affairs...

Its a sign of the tough economic times that when you type 'school girl' into google you will see literally thousands of images of young girls who can't afford enough material for dresses or in come cases even a blouse! I can only assume that this is due to the incredibly high tuition fees placed by schools to survive in this recession as most of these poor girls seem to be from Catholic schools. This girl appears so happy to have eaten this morning that she is blissfully unaware that her blouse AND skirt both appear to be several sizes too small! A sad, sad state of affairs.
Seriously though, I love this shit. I think its the skirt that does it for me...

Yeah, that's definitely it.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Bin Ladin is Dead

America is celebrating, and rightly so. This is a big step for the war in the Middle East and deserves celebration, but I'm also scared of what will happen now. This changes everything, for the last 10 years Al Qaeda has been relatively quiet and the constant presence of the war is all I've known since I was 8. After this they will want revenge, they will make him a martyr and the rules of the whole situation have changed. I am really happy and believe it is a step foward but I can't help think it won't be without cost.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
South Park Generator
This is me in South Park. I brought the whole 12th season the other day and it had the episode where Kenny gets high off cat pee. I was so stoked cause its possibly my favourite episode, that and the one where the goth kids burn down that shop lol..
Dark, Darker, Darko

"What if you could go back in time, and take all those hours of pain and darkness and replace them with something better?"
I wish...
Lava Lamps and Lint...
I'm flat broke.
And I only got paid this morning... To be fair I got a bunch of good deals but I don't know how I'll afford liquor this Easter. And what Is Easter about if not ecstacy and liquor... or was it family and Christian spirit? I Forget. So right now the title of this post represents the contents of my metaphorical pockets.
Theres just something about lava lamps that reminds me of being a kid. I used to have a blue one with green lava and I'd stare at it for probably half an hour at a time and watched it like a battle between the top and bottom to see which one could push all its lava onto the other.
If you were wondering I also got for a meager fee a sweet microwave and a pair of combat boots. Because I'm mature and not at all an impulse buyer.
And I only got paid this morning... To be fair I got a bunch of good deals but I don't know how I'll afford liquor this Easter. And what Is Easter about if not ecstacy and liquor... or was it family and Christian spirit? I Forget. So right now the title of this post represents the contents of my metaphorical pockets.
Theres just something about lava lamps that reminds me of being a kid. I used to have a blue one with green lava and I'd stare at it for probably half an hour at a time and watched it like a battle between the top and bottom to see which one could push all its lava onto the other.
If you were wondering I also got for a meager fee a sweet microwave and a pair of combat boots. Because I'm mature and not at all an impulse buyer.

A Haunting Voice
You HAVE to check out Thebrooke's cover of Fleetwood Mac's song 'Landslide'. This world is so fucked that she is still posting on Youtube while Beiber is spewing shit on the world stage. My friend Amy from Opium is for Lovers posted this so I thought I should plug her too. ;)
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Recently I can't stop thinking about life, specifically the point of it. When I'm dead and gone what will I leave to the memory of the world? Its like they say. Everybody on this planet dies twice. Once when your heart stops beating and then again, a little later, when someone says your name for the last time.
What will I be remembered for? What do I mean to humanity? George Harrison said "Life goes on within you and without you" and for the vast majority of people this is completely true. They waste their lives working in some office or behind a desk and leave nothing to mark their place on this world. Plus half of them are depressed by it, but too scared to take the risks and do what they really want. And after all, what do they get? Crippling illness and financial hardship for most, as they are forced into retirement homes by the strangers they raised. Then there are others, the Che Guevara's and Barack Obama's. The movers and the shakers who shape our planet and sweep the winds of change over our peoples.
What i'm talking about is ambition. I want to do something worthy of being remembered.
What will I be remembered for? What do I mean to humanity? George Harrison said "Life goes on within you and without you" and for the vast majority of people this is completely true. They waste their lives working in some office or behind a desk and leave nothing to mark their place on this world. Plus half of them are depressed by it, but too scared to take the risks and do what they really want. And after all, what do they get? Crippling illness and financial hardship for most, as they are forced into retirement homes by the strangers they raised. Then there are others, the Che Guevara's and Barack Obama's. The movers and the shakers who shape our planet and sweep the winds of change over our peoples.
What i'm talking about is ambition. I want to do something worthy of being remembered.

Saturday, March 26, 2011
You took all there was all my body my heart,
now I just want to heal but don't know where to start,
When the pieces don't fit and it hurts just to see,
Now I only wish there was no you and me,
The heat that once was, the touch of soft lips,
I can't help but recall as the mask I wear slips,
Now I wake into sorrow, this ache that I feel,
as the dreams of you tell me I don't want to heal.
now I just want to heal but don't know where to start,
When the pieces don't fit and it hurts just to see,
Now I only wish there was no you and me,
The heat that once was, the touch of soft lips,
I can't help but recall as the mask I wear slips,
Now I wake into sorrow, this ache that I feel,
as the dreams of you tell me I don't want to heal.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
“This song is dedicated to my twelve-day-old daughter- and my wife. And, um, there’s been some pretty extreme things written about us- especially my wife, and she thinks everybody hates her now. So, um, this is being recorded, so why don’t you give her a message and say ‘Courtney, we love you’. Okay, ready? On the count of three- One, two, three… Court-
(Crowd:“Courtney, we love you!”)
Thanks.”- Kurt Cobain, Live at Reading 1992
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
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