Fuck this life and fuck all that is. I miss you Joseph.
In a lot of ways you were my best friend and understood my in a way that not many people do, but i doubt i was ever yours. You were so much cooler than me.
I don't know if there is a heaven or even a god. But even if there is i doubt you'd be in heaven. I want to go to hell with you when i die.
Love always bro.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Through all those complex years
I thought I was alone.
I didn't care to look around
And make this world my own...
And when she died
I shouldve cried and spared myself some pain.
You left me incomplete,
All alone as the memories still remain.
I thought I was alone.
I didn't care to look around
And make this world my own...
And when she died
I shouldve cried and spared myself some pain.
You left me incomplete,
All alone as the memories still remain.
About Time..
I finally got around to setting up another blog at http://karma-to-burn.tumblr.com/ so i can better follow and comment on my friends with blogs over there. Good job eh?
Thursday, January 27, 2011
What a Find
So last night i snuck out to go meet up with my girlfriend and her friend (the joys of still being at home) and i was walking over the Cobden Bridge when what should i find, but a full pouch of tobacco. Score!! After that I met up with them and we hung out 'til about 5:30 am. By the time i made it home it was almost 6 and i slipped back into bed just in time for 5 hours sleep. I love it when a plan comes together...
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Sheets of empty canvas, untouched sheets of clay
Were laid spread out before me as her body once did.
All five horizons revolved around her soul
As the earth to the sun
Now the air I tasted and breathed has taken a turn
Ooh, and all I taught her was everything
Ooh, I know she gave me all that she wore
And now my bitter hands chafe beneath the clouds
Of what was everything.
Oh, the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything...
Sunday, January 23, 2011
We'll Have Us a Party!
You know how after a party at your house you basically need to expect some damage or at least a massive mess (If it was any kind of good party at least). Well the other morning i awoke from my slumber only to discover that my good friend Reuben had taken the liberty of decorating my Bathroom.
Basically some fools had broken a bunch of bottles in the hall on the way to the toilet and I think reuben got the idea when one girl started cutting herself with the broken glass. So anyway, from what i can gather he cut his hand with some and proceeded to paint swastikas with blood on my bathroom wall. So i wake up in a daze and go to use the toilet the next morning, and am already going by the time i look around to see the room lookin like a freakin chamber of horrors. Long story short, there won't be any parties here for a while.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
The New Earth Army
'The Men Who Stare at Goats' is a really cool film about the American army's attempts to create psychic super soldiers. These soldiers are to be new-age beacons of light and love in a world torn apart by war, they are soldiers of peace and love. The whole idea of the 'New Earth Army' as they are called, is so cool and true and... pure. It kind of made me want to start a cult and become a guru/revolutionary/intellectual. In the movie they were refered to as 'warrior-monks' and Lived a life of euphoria, mutual acceptance and enlightenment. I began thinking about how perfect it was. To live a life simply to teach and guide others seems pretty noble and if i still have any hope in humanity by the time i hit 30 i may just try it out.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Santiago & Dunbar
I fucking love this movie. Saul is the fucking reason i love wearing pajamas everywhere. There's one point when Saul and Dale are selling weed and Saul says "Tell them you got it from Santiago and Dunbar" to protect their identities. Me and my friend Joseph always used to laugh at that because his last name was Dunbar and I'm Sam. Plus he was my smoking mate. He was the only guy i knew back then who smoked and did weed. Hell, i was with him the first time i ever tried it.
Since he died in November I've been thinking of him heaps, especially recently. I think its just really setting in. I'm just glad I still have the memories. I think of him every time i smoke.
R.I.P. Man, love always.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Death Whispered a Lullabye

Under the fog there are shadows moving
Don't be afraid, hold my hand
Into the dark there are eyelids closing
Buried alive in the shifting sands
Sleep my child
Speak to me now and the world will crumble
Open a door and the moon will fall
All of your life all your memories
Go to your dreams, forget it all
Sleep my child
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
The 'Art' in Artist
Where is the good music in the modern age? It seems all anyone wants to listen to nowdays is repetitive club songs and one hit singles from nobody rappers. Where are the Kurt Cobain's of tomorrow and where did the skill in music go. When Billy Ray Cyrus' and Will Smith's children can make chart toppers it really shows how much skill it takes on the part of the artists to make these songs.

I'm becoming depressed by the stagnant music scene. Where is my next favourite band??
I'm becoming depressed by the stagnant music scene. Where is my next favourite band??
Monday, January 17, 2011
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Dogma - Get "Touched" by an Angel
Kevin Smith is a genius. The dude who directed Clerks, Cop Out and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. Created a masterpiece when he made this movie. Its funny, crude and surprisingly deep for a J & SB movie. Plus it has Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Selma Hayek and Chris Rock (as the 13th apostle who was left out of the Bible because he was black). It has a great plot and some wonderful sub-textual messages about life and the merits and shortfalls of organized religion.
I Give this film 5 stars out of 5

Saturday, January 15, 2011
Welcome to Silent Hill
Where I live on the West Coast, the is a phenomenon referred to as the 'Barber'. An extremely thick mist which descends and fills the entire valley. The overall effect of this is something reminiscent of a Silent Hill game and which results in pedestrians being only able to see 10m in any direction.
I was walking the bridge from town to my house and for a few minutes i couldn't see either side of it. Its a really creepy experience and one not many people get as 'Katabatic Winds' only occur in a few places worldwide. As i understand, it is known in Antarctica, Oroshi (Japan), Santa Ana (CA) and over the Adriatic Sea. But none of these so much as in Greymouth as Wikipedia points out.
"In the mist, the eyes of the devil shine out the brighter"
I was walking the bridge from town to my house and for a few minutes i couldn't see either side of it. Its a really creepy experience and one not many people get as 'Katabatic Winds' only occur in a few places worldwide. As i understand, it is known in Antarctica, Oroshi (Japan), Santa Ana (CA) and over the Adriatic Sea. But none of these so much as in Greymouth as Wikipedia points out.
"In the mist, the eyes of the devil shine out the brighter"
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Tales from the Crypt Presents: Bordello of Blood
series and the Bordello of Blood is the best of them all. Slapstick, sex jokes, lesbians and gore. This movie has it all! Also it features a kickass soundtrack with songs by Anthrax and Sweet (Ballroom Blitz should be in every movie).
This is on my 'must buy' list as of right now...
This movie gets 4 stars out of 5

Thursday, January 6, 2011
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Monday, January 3, 2011
Sunday, January 2, 2011
People = Shit
Is everyone completely useless? Lately all I've seen in the people around me are the crushing defects in the personalities.
Funny as hell, but completely unreliable.
Beautiful and interesting, troubled and seemingly uninterested.
A great fuck, irritating and clingy.
An old friend, a backstabber.
These people are the ones who are making me lose hope in humanity. I don't even want to hang out with them. My view has acquired a definitively nihilistic tinge recently.
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