Two news stories, zero fucking hope for humanity. So if anyone doesn't know already, I'm an atheist and a skeptic with the occasional nihilistic tenancy. I'd also consider myself an optimist however, although all this crap going on really does get to me some times.
The first article is about the Tar Sands, which Canada wants to exploit now. (What happened to you Canada? You used to be cool...) This will certainly fuck shit up big time with our environment. In a time when all humanity depends upon some logical thinking and forethought, the second story is particularly depressing.
I try never to intentionally insult somebody else's creed (Except conservative Christian fundamentalists, but can you really hold that against me??), but these guys must be functionally retarded. They can hold onto their expired culture and archaic beliefs all they like, whatever spins your wheels I guess, as long as they don't hurt others they can go hard. But when they are living in the middle of New York city and trying to resist all Western influence, its already off to a bad start. These people think that sexual abuse should be ignored to save some fucking face for their community? I would say they need a reality check, but these days i think that maybe its me who needs one. Call me an idealist, I hope too much that one day people will just start making some goddamn sense.
Anyway, here are the stories. Feel free to peruse them 'til your heart's content.
Love, Sam.
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